Previous scientific work experience in environmental consulting and a knack as a hobbyist maker have left me fascinated by processes and deconstructing them into something that anyone can access. This process-driven approach is something I have brought over into web development. Previously working in the environmental assessment/remediation industry in Ontario and Alberta, I transitioned into web development in mid-2017.
Over the last decade, I have worked in several cities across Canada, merging different customer experiences and priorities into my work in environmental consulting, as well as teaching. At present I have been able to take the soft skillset of that experience into working on Ruby on Rails projects for Rangle and Ankit Designs in the Toronto area, and Stageforce, remotely.
Keep an eye out for updates this fall! I've been investigating the JAMstack and more advanced Rails topics during the 2020 pause, and will have a lot to say in the coming weeks both here, in the portfolio page, and in the blog!